20 best private tours in Prague


Individual excursions in Prague in Russian are always relevant, since this largest center of medieval architecture, which practically did not suffer during the Second World War, invariably attracts tourists with the riches of the capital of Bohemia. A network of completely disconnected neighborhoods entwines this city, intricately combining the breath of centuries and modernity.

Quest excursion in fabulous Prague

If you have already managed to get acquainted with the main sights of Prague and decided that this city will not surprise you with anything else, pay attention to this 2.5-hour excursion. It is suitable for those guests of Prague who like to walk along the old streets with a map and guidebooks in their hands and solve a variety of puzzles and puzzles. The quest is designed to uncover the secret of the Jewish Quarter and explore the narrow alleys linking the Old Town and Wenceslas Squares.

During the quest, the guide will provide related information about the attractions that will be on the way, and help in finding answers if the participants cannot solve one of the puzzles on their own. As a result of this semi-mystical round, participants will receive an unexpected prize.

Prague inside out

The excursion is not designed for fans of deep historical excursions and trivial photos against the background of sights from the must-see list. This city tour will take 3.5 hours and will allow you to experience the real Prague. You can find out why it is so important to go to the old post office building, from where Mephistopheles stole poor Faust, who from the local residents once saved 669 children, which is hidden by the passages of Jindříská Street, where you should turn to find the Secret Park and the old synagogue.

The rich program is successfully complemented by a live story about the character of local residents. The excursion will end in one of the coziest chocolateries, where, over a cup of fragrant hot chocolate, the guide will tell you more about how to get to know the living city better, and not a beautiful installation from advertising brochures.

Prague stories

The program is based on almost canonical tourist places of the city: Charles Bridge, Wenceslas Square, Rudulfinum, Prague Castle, Zheleznaya Street, but thanks to the knowledge of the guide, all these sights will be presented from a completely unexpected side. For example, you can find out why the first stone of the Charles Bridge must have been laid at six o'clock in the morning, and what the mistake of an unlucky warrior, who allowed himself to confuse the names of a couple of composers, led to.

The guide will point out an atypical example of corruption that has turned out to be woven into the urban landscape, and will also teach you how to determine the time by an unusual astrological clock, which for people ignorant of this matter looks completely static. After a 2.5-hour tour, you will be able to navigate the world of Prague breweries and find secluded places to walk with your significant other.

Greenhouse. History of the old resort

In the center of the two-hour tour is "little Paris", which was once visited by Alexander I, Peter the Great, the Austrian queen Sisi, Giacomo Casanova and other outstanding personalities of their time. Teplice was doomed to become one of the most visited resorts based on therapeutic mud and thermal waters. The potential of this place has been known since the days of the Crusaders and Roman legionaries. Here Bach, Beethoven, Goethe found solace.

You will learn about how a special type of treatment was formed here, based on many months of stay in the resort. The presence of wealthy guests forced the city to comply: the iconic buildings of the 19th century resemble luxurious theatrical scenery, and the atmosphere of satiety and bohemian relaxation remains today.

Prague through the eyes of a local

Each guide, whether he wants it or not, presents his own version of the city to the guests, which is why the tours conducted by local residents are even more valuable, since it is such programs that are more saturated not with canonical historical facts, but with the bright colors of the vibrant pulsation of the city. An upside down horse, Old Town Square from a dizzying height, Franz Kafka's “clockwork” head, a narrow strip of the Golden Street of the Alchemists, the protruding facade of the residence of Count Kinksky - these details stand out in separate strokes against the background of the general picture.

The guide will share useful tips for those who are not averse to traveling around the city as a hare, as well as locations of places where you can taste Prague jasmine rice ice cream. This three-hour excursion will be especially relevant for fans of photography - you will learn about the best points for photographing the city.

Walking quest "Prague in a different way"

A team of guides has developed a three-hour route that will show Prague without the husk of dense dates and the Wenceslas crowded Oka. The tour includes ten locations, most of which are unique sculptures and monuments - somewhat awkward, sentimental, funny. This quest is different in that you need to go through it yourself - both individually and in a group.

At the starting point, you will receive a map and initial data, after which you will set off on a free voyage without an anchor in the form of a funny or dull-type guide who will cite history books. In order to complete the quest to the end, you will need ingenuity, observation and ingenuity. Those who want to complicate the passage can choose the version of the quest in English.

Another Prague

Those who have already managed to walk along the main hiking trails, but still feel some understatement, simply must choose this 4-hour Prague tour. It will begin with the mystical atmosphere of the ivy-covered Olshansky cemetery. Ivy tightly wraps around ancient crypts, metal fences and even trees. Next in line is vintage second-hand for fans of retro, the bohemian vein of the city - Zizkov - a quarter of revolutionaries, artists and just people of a fine mental organization.

You will be able to see the Church of St. Prokop, a corner of the Jewish cemetery, and then walk through a gloomy tunnel to Karlin, which has the opposite atmosphere: graceful mansions, a railway viaduct, an elementary school, built in 1906 and is the most beautiful school in the Czech Republic. The final of the excursion will take place in a budget pub, where a pork knee will be served with a glass of beer.

You are our sun, the Vysehrad fortress!

Vysehrad is a kind of source not only of Prague, but also of the Czech Republic itself. This ancient residence of Czech princes stands on a cliff overlooking the Vltava. It was from this fortress that Princess Libuše uttered a prophecy that predicted the birth of Prague, a city "whose glory will reach the stars." During the two-hour excursion, you will have a deep historical excursion, in which the events of hoary antiquity are intricately intertwined with the phenomena of modernity. And in the center of this weave Vysehrad is the Slavic Olympus.

A special place in the guide's story is occupied by the legends associated with this place. So, the most interesting of them tell about the Devil's Stones, which can also be seen during the excursion, about the crystal palace, about black dogs grinning at the entrance to the fortress, and about a raven that has lived here for more than 300 years.

History and life of Prague in the legends of the Old Town

A wonderful evening tour of Prague will allow you to learn about the historical past of this mystical city through the prism of urban legends and traditions. The magic circle of the two-hour excursion opens under the city chimes, whose creator had an extremely tragic fate. The wheel will begin to spin clockwise, looking into various courtyards and streets along the way - windows to medieval Prague.

There, a lone executioner managed to save the entire city from starvation, and a Prague merchant became rich by selling geese. You will be able to see a place where it is better not to wander at midnight - local ghosts gather here, and listen to the sad violin of the master, who went blind in his youth. As the night deepens, you will hear the bells of the Church of the Virgin Mary in front of Týn and find out who they are ringing for. Particularly interesting is a short excursion into the symbolism of the courtyard signs that adorn the buildings of the Old City.

Mystical Prague

This two-hour excursion will allow you to take a different look at the familiar Charles Bridge, the Jewish Quarter, the Old Town Square, the friendly streets of the Old Town, which look quite harmless in the daytime. The focus of the program will be the creation of a clay golem, a monster that patronized the Jews, as well as the legend about the most terrible ghost of the Czech Republic.

You can see with your own eyes the bloody traces of massacres and executions that repeatedly flooded the streets of the Jewish Quarter with blood during the late Middle Ages. It is not for nothing that Prague is considered an ancient center for the study of alchemy - this component of the city's history will also be covered. This milestone in the story is closely related to the reign of Rudolf II, who was known for his passion for the occult. It was he who invited alchemists from all over Europe to Prague.

Prague love stories: excursion + photo session

Prague is not only a city steeped in mysticism, but also one of the most romantic places in Europe. Hundreds of love stories are associated with Prague, the most interesting of which are included in the excursion program. The route is designed taking into account that the guide can take colorful photos with you against the background of the fortress walls and cobbled streets. This excursion is designed not only for lovers and married couples, but also for friends or families with children.

You will have 2 hours to walk around the Vltava Islands, visit Maltese Square and feed the swans. Pages from the romantic adventures of two Ferdinands, archhercegs, who were separated by four centuries, Charles IV and even Franz Kafka, known for his depressive disposition, will be filled with colors. The guide will also tell you about wedding rituals that are traditional for the Czech Republic, as well as about the symbolism of the pomegranate.

With beer in Prague

The route of this three-hour excursion is rather non-standard: old walk-through courtyards, gateways of the Old and New Towns, gardens and parks in one way or another connected with brewing. You will learn more about the history of this craft, about which monasteries first began to brew this drink, what was the royal policy regarding brewing. Almost every beer hall in Prague has not only ancient traditions, but also its own brewery. During the tour, you will see the direct brewing process.

The guide will make an excursion into the history of medieval beer brewing, tell about how beer brewing technologies have changed over the centuries. At the end of the tour, you will receive information on the city's iconic beer gardens and their best drinks. In addition, you are guaranteed to learn how to navigate the beer map of Prague, which is important, given how many options are offered to guests of the city.

Hello beautiful Prague!

This version of the excursion program is designed for 4.5 hours. It covers four cities of Prague, the most interesting from a tourist and architectural point of view. The history of old Hradčany is closely connected with the monasteries and the legends about St. Norbert. Here are the most beautiful baroque buildings and the products of Viennese craftsmen are kept. Prague Castle with the fortress of the same name is the citadel of the kings of Bohemia, the highest manifestation of their wealth and power.

Malaya Strana and the Old Town are full of iconic landmarks: the John Lennon Wall, Wallenstein Palace, Devil's Canal, Charles Bridge, Orloj chimes. In the New Dialect, relatively modern buildings are concentrated. An iconic local building is the Church of the Virgin Mary of the Snow, which can be accessed from the Franciscan Garden.

Traditions of old Prague breweries

The excursion program includes a visit to three 15th century breweries, each of which produces its own unique beers. The tour will begin with the At Three Roses Brewery, which offers five beers, each of which can be learned from the guide's story. In the U Medvedku brewery, you can not only hear about the brewing process, but also watch how a traditional foamy drink is made from hops and malt.

During the tasting, you will be able to taste four types of beer. The tour ends with the U Fleku brewery, which is still the largest beer restaurant in the world. The local black Fleck lounger is the benchmark for most modern brewers. An evening with beer and branded sausages with cabbage in the company of friends and accompanied by live music is guaranteed to become a warm memory.

Four cities of Prague

The Old and New Towns were once united with Hradcany and Mala Strana to form Great Prague. It is these locations that are included in the route of the four-hour excursion. The start of the tour may vary depending on which area of ​​Prague you live in. You don't have to worry about getting to the place of collection. Your guide will pick you up at your hotel. The itinerary can be tailored according to your preference.

You can devote more time to the cultural and intellectual Mala Strana, where the Church of St. Nicholas and the Church of the Virgin Mary the Winner are located. Or you can start from the Left Bank: Golden Lane, Loreta, local parks, which are especially good in spring. At the end of the tour, you can walk along the Charles Bridge, which connects the Vltava banks, and make a wish on it.

The city of kings, alchemists and beer!

This integrated tour option will allow you to get acquainted with the gastronomic, historical and mystical Prague in 3.5 hours, fully immersed in the meditative atmosphere of the crooked streets. It is suggested to start the excursion from the classic notches of the tourist trail: Charles Bridge, St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague Castle. During this part of the tour, you will be able to find out why painted windows have been preserved on the facades of many houses, and why most of Prague's roofs are covered with red tiles.

The mystical component will be devoted to the alchemical research of the Middle Ages, as well as the legends about the crown of Czech kings, in whose almost magical power we had to make sure more than once. The excursion can be completed in the Strahov Monastery beer hall, which has been operating for eight centuries. Immediately you will learn about the "Devil's Bible" and will be able to see Prague from a bird's eye view.

Evening Prague

The city becomes truly magical at nightfall, when the streets are illuminated only by the warm light of twisted lanterns, and the very appearance of the city changes imperceptibly - Prague follows its own footsteps, retreating now into the dark Middle Ages, now into the splendor of the New Time.

During the three-hour route, you will get acquainted with Loreta - the canonical place of pilgrimage for Christians; St. Vitus Cathedral - the longest church in the world; Vladislav Hall - the venue for equestrian knight tournaments; Rudolfinum - a building of the 19th century, which for a long time retained the status of the cultural dominant of the city; Schwarzenberg Palace - one of the most elaborate buildings of the Renaissance; Tyn Church and other tourist sites. The excursion will end in the intricate streets of the Jewish Quarter.

Courtyards, backyards and gateways of the Old City

Have you already managed to climb one of the Prague towers, take a hundred or two photos, walk along both main squares, learn the secret of the astrological clock and get fed up with Saint Wenceslas? Then it's time to choose a different format for exploring the city, with which this excursion will help you. There is an old game that most Prague residents play as children. It is called the "Northwest Passage" and is about paving a new path to familiar locations.

The guide will definitely not let you get lost in the intricacies of walk-through yards and dead-end streets, let you find out how the city was formed, where you could get by walking along the underground passage from Rabbi Lev's house, where the best free exhibitions are hiding, how to avoid collisions with crowds of tourists and much more. ... It is worth spending 3.5 hours of your time on such an excursion.

The best panoramas of Prague

A well-designed three-hour photo walk will allow you to see the most colorful urban panoramas, taste traditional trdlo and live Czech beer. If desired, beer can be replaced with aromatic coffee, and the tour itself can be supplemented with a more complete historical excursion. The program is mainly focused on walking along the Royal Route. The left bank of the Vltava is rich in beautiful views: the Kampa island covered with romance, the notorious babies of David the Black, Hradčanskaya square, John Lennon wall.

Malaya Strana is one of the best filming locations. You can get colorful portraits against the backdrop of the architectural dominants of Prague the very next day after visiting the excursion. You will also have the opportunity to look into one of the richest libraries in Europe.

All Prague in one day

The guide offers you not just a walk through the main tourist landmarks, but a walk through historical eras, which are layered on top of one another quite organically, thanks to legends and legends. Prague from mystical will turn into gold, and then into a hundred-tower in just 4 hours, and you can watch this process from the height of the 21st century.

To do this, you have to visit the main quarters of the city, climb to the observation deck of the Strahov Monastery and get to know the inhabitants of Vysehrad better. If you plan to take your child with you on the excursion, the program will additionally include a boat trip along the Vltava and a visit to the park with dinosaurs. The tour is expected to be mostly on foot, but a car will be used to travel between areas.

In Prague, GuruTurizma recommends the following hotels:


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